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Now our village has been scaled and measured
Posted by viju at 3:53 AM

My friends wife was very sick.But he didn't have any money and went to a bank to get a loan.He didn't have the land therefore his wife passed away. Premlata Bhatta is a central member of National Village Block Land Right Forum.She tells the story of the how land certificates came too lte to her village,so she sad. Premlata and her family reside in a village which is registered as one single block,hence they do not have individual ownership.But lately the future of such villages has started to look a little brighter. Due to intense village mobilisation and national level advocacy with CA-members and politicians KIDS has managed to get land survey started in ten villages in Kapilvastu:"Our organisation Gautam Buddha requested that our land was measured and now the village is scalled and separated nicely."Mina kewat ,from Tilaurakot, Kapilvastu, explains when we visited her village fields in early spring 2009 Gautam Buddha is one of ten smaller NGOs that together constitute KIDC. .
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Posted by viju at 3:00 AM

Rabindranath Tagore was born in 1861 and died in1941.Rabindranath tagore Bengaki Indian poet, writer and philosopher,born and died in calcutta.He is best known for his poetic works,notably Gitanjali(1910 sings offering.).He also wrote philosophical plays ,novels and shorts stories.He received the novels prizes for literature in 1973 and was knighted in 1915 anhonour which resigned in 1919 as a protest against the Amritsar massacre (1919) by the British.
In 1901,Tagore founded near Bolpur the Shantiniketan a school to blend Eastern and Western philosophical and educational system. His poetric pioneered the use of colloquial Bengaki instead of the archaic literary idiom the approved for verse.
introduction of Nepal
Posted by viju at 3:30 AM

Nepal is a beautiful country. It is small country of the world. It is known by the highest mountain of the world.It is between India and China. It is lies in Asia pacific.It is surrounded by land.It is the nearest ocean is called Bangal khadi.
It is landlocked country. It is lies north in Republic of China and east, west and south in Republic of India. Officially by federal democratic Republic of Nepal. With area of 1,47,181 kilometers and populations approximately 30 billions.It is also know lord Buddha.